DISA BMW repair kit
Appearance repair kits can be changed by the manufacturer.
The kit includes:
aluminum vane – 1
aluminum gear – 1
steel guide rail axis – 1
sealing oil seal – 1
grower – 1
Instructions for repair DISA N52.
1. Remove the execution unit Disa.

2. To install a new vane must be disassembled body of the actuator. Mechanism housing pasted in a circle, it is necessary to disassemble it to “split” the place of gluing.
To do this, use a knife, which is set along the splices, and gently hammer on the knife “splits” the body. Proceed carefully, better to start from the corner if they feel that the splitting is not in place with adhesive, just go to the other corner and digested with him.
3. After opening the housing is likely to be engine oil (it got there due to the fact that the hardened oil seal or in consequence of skew gear) should be possible to remove the oil by wiping it with a cloth.
4. Remove the old vane, gear and packing.
Old oil seal
5. Install the new oil seal, vane and gear (apply lubricant (eg Litol) per cylinder and gear teeth). Check the correct installation of vane (you try to close it), pulls together vane and pinion steering axle (axle set pre-grower), make sure that the guide axis in the center of the gear.
New oil seal
Preliminary assembly. Check for correct assembly. Make sure that the blade rotates.
Final assembly.
6. Check the blade to move freely.
7. Wipe the edge of the housing solvent to remove the oil.
8. Next, you need to make a reverse splice enclosure.
We do not accept any responsibility.
The following information is provided for reference purposes only and should be used at your own risk
Plastic PA6.6GF30 from which made housing glued using formic acid (formic acid) at least 95%.
Acid is applied in a thin layer on the splices, whereupon the two housing parts are joined.
Acid melts the plastic top layer connecting the two parts at the molecular level, and after drying will stick together of the housing as well as the factory.
Drying time depends on the temperature and can take several hours. (Acid has a pungent odor when dry acid – the smell will disappear).
Possible bonding epoxy body, but gluing will not be the same because of the strong features of plastic.
Glue type: dichloroethane, super glue, and etc. Does not stick, this type of plastic.
acid is not included. it can not send mail from the prohibition.
you can buy it at a local store. In most countries, formic acid is available for free sale.
When working with an acid is necessary to observe the necessary security conditions!
Bonding in the open air, acid vapors, do not breathe, rubber gloves, goggles, etc., according to the rules of working with acid.
Additional information about the formic acid.
For example in the photo shows the process of splicing body
(Blade and motor are not installed).
Apply a thin layer of acid to one of the bonded parts
We connect the two parts compress and hold (you can use a clamp).
Acid grasped sufficiently long time (about 10 minutes), final “bonding” can take two to three hours.
You can let go when dry acid (place bonding stop “shine”).
Before installing the machine is recommended to wait at least 3 hours (the more the better, the acid is guaranteed dry).